Other Names
Half-circle Posture, Adha Chakra Asan, Half round Pose
Chakra means wheel and Ardha means half therefore this is the Half Wheel Posture. The Ardha-Chakrasana is also known as the urdhva-dhanurasana. Urdhva means raised, elevated or upright and dhanur means bow. Both “wheel posture” and “raised bow posture” describe the appearance of this asana.
How to reach the stretch
- Lie down on the floor facing upward in shavasana.
- Keep your feet far apart and hands on hips and slowly arch backward.
- Try to keep your weight on your knees and push your buttocks forward.
- Inhale and raise your arms over and behind your head and drop back onto your hands.
How to release the stretch
- To release or to stand, again shift your weight on your knees.
- Then slowly push yourself forward and bring your one arm at a time or both at once.
- This asana stimulates all the energy centres of the body.
- It is the most dynamic back bend.
- This asana is good for respiratory problems, backache and rheumatic pains etc.