What We Do
Omgyan is your number one source for in-depth yoga pose instruction, yoga sequences for beginners to advanced practitioners, guided meditations to keep your day stress-free, and yogic wisdom to inspire and strengthen your path to enlightenment.
“Meditation” and “mindfulness” are buzzwords these days for good reason. Yogis have been practicing dhyana (meditation) for millennia.
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Omgyan brings Yoga outdoors reconnecting people with Nature and cultivating consciousness for the environment and harmony within.
We offer Hatha and Vinyasa Yoga group classes, workshops, and also private classes and events on request.
We encourage our students to ground to earth practicing even without a mat in order to receive the amazing benefits of earthing.
We use a combination of classical Ashtanga & Hatha Yoga in a dynamic form linking the breath to the movement (known as chalana or sometimes called vinyasa). It incorporates a series of progressive postures, with experienced participants jumping from one pose to another to build strength, flexibility and stamina.
The prime motive of main yoga teacher is to spread yoga to help people to get rid of diseases and to get peace of mind.
With focused breathing the mind is stilled, facilitating meditation whilst in motion. This form is ideal for those wanting a physical work out, yet still gaining the benefits of a calm, focussed mind.
Only Yoga strengthens mind as well as body where as all other exercise just take care of body not mind. Moreover, yoga preserves the body where as all other exercises consume the body (that means aging take place).