Implementation of Yoga in a corporation

Each corporate is having its own unique requirement. The budget is the main key factor on which implementation depends. Following are some guidelines:

  • Group Size: 
    An ideal group should have 8-12 persons. It is recommended to have a group of 10 persons.
  • Group Members: 
    The group should be made according to similarities like:

    • Type of work (Managers, Supervisors, Sitting Staff, Long Standing Workers, Heavy job workers etc)
    • Age Group (<30, 31-45, >45)
    • Based on Common Diseases (Healthy, Back pain, Heart/Cholesterol/Overweight, Brain performance etc)
  • Number of Sessions Needed: 
    To learn yoga for long term practice there should be at least 6 to 12 sessions per person. We recommend for 10 sessions per persons.
  • Room requirement:
    Each participant need 3 feet by 7 feet space on a soft-carpeted floor.
  • Session Time Period:
    1 to 1.5 hour session. We recommend 1 hour. This factor also depends upon number of session selected.
  • Yoga Time: 
    Yoga session can be performed in the middle, beginning or in the end of the shift. We recommend for the middle of the shift. Further time should be chosen so that employees stay empty stomach.
  • Participants Should have:
    loose clothing (shorts or tights & a T-shirt) and large towel/ yoga mat