Other Names
Waist Rotating Pose, Waist rotation posture, Katti-Chakra Asana, Kati-Chakrasana, Kati Chakr Asan, Kati-Chakrasana, KatiChakrasana

This also a simple yet effective and safe posture which almost any one can practice to mainly exercise the trunk. Its easily controllable circular movement is a good remedy for back pains.
How to reach the stretch
- Stand with the feet about half a meter apart and the arms by the side.
- Take a deep breath in while raising the arms to shoulder level.
- Breathe out and twist the body to the left. Bring the right hand to the left shoulder and wrap the left arm around the back.
- Bring the left hand around the right side of the waist look over the left shoulder as far as possible.
- Keep the back of the neck straight. The top of the spine is the fixed point around which the head turns.
- Hold the breath for two seconds, accentuate the twist and try to gently stretch the abdomen.
- Repeat on the other side to complete one round. Keep the feet firmly on the ground while twisting.
How to release the stretch
- This asana is good for back pain because of its easily circular controllable movements.
- It stretches the trunk muscles.
- Do not practice if you have a diagnosed disc disease in your lower back.
- If you are pregnant, then do not strongly contract your abdominal muscles as you twists( open twists) – allow the belly to remain soft; if you have hernia, a detached retina or glaucoma, or if you are menstruating.