Other Names
Cowherd Posture, Goatherd Pose, Goraksha Asan, Gay-Raksha Asana

This asana is a minor variant of Bhadrasana.
How to reach the stretch
- Sit in Dandasana position , fold your legs with knees as wide as possible and bring the feet in front of the groin.
- Keep the soles of the feet opposed and touching each other.
- Make sure you have your heels up and toes touching the ground.
- Hold the ankles with your opposite hands and keep the body straight.
- Close the eyes and concentrate on breathing or attain any of the gazing Mudras.
How to release the stretch
- It prevents development of hernia, relieves sciatica, strengthens leg muscles and tones up the reproductive organs.
- It improves concentration and helps relax the mind.