

Other Names Sirsasana, Sirshasana, Sirshasana, Headstand Posture, pole posture Pose, Topsy-turvy Posture, Vipreet Karni Asan/ Mudra, Vipreeta Karani, Shirsh Asan, Upside down pose, Sirshasana Description This pose is the most recognized yoga pose than the other poses. Standing on one’s head is called Sirsasana. It is also called the king of the asanas, so one […]


Other Names Head-to-Knee Forward Bend Posture, Spinal Twist Pose, Janu Shish Asan, Janu-Shirsha Asana, Janoo Sirsha, J-Sirsasna Description Janu means knee and sirsha means head. Janu Sirsasana is a good pose to stretch the kidney area which renders a different effect than that of Pascimottanasana. This asana is for all levels of students, Janu Sirsasana […]


Other Names Peacock Posture, Pea-Cock Pose, Mayura Asana, Mayur Asan Description It is a classic yoga posture that is highly recommended if you want to improve the radiance of your skin, the tone of your muscles and the workings of your inner organs. In this asana one has to hold his whole body like a […]


Other Names Cock Posture, Cockerel, Kukkut Asan, Kukkuta Asana Description Kukkuta is a Sanskrit word which means a cock.This asana resembles that of a cock and hence the name is Kukkutasana. It is also an exciting variation of padmasana (lotus). Although it is difficult to master, but once accomplished you’ll be working yourself every day […]


Other Names Easy Peacock Posture, Swan Pose, Hamas Asan, Hamasa Asana Description This asana effects the abdominal area, increasing its flow of blood and energy. The abdominal organs are massaged and the second position also limbers the knee and hip joints. The shoulders and arms receive a good stretch, toning the muscles and preventing fat […]


Other Names Full Snake Posture, Cobra Pose, Serpent, Samp Asan Description This is a basic yoga posture. It is very easy to do especially if your back is not too stiff and rigid. Regular practice of this asana makes child birth easy, good for digestion and constipation and gives a good blood circulation. How to […]


Other Names Half-cobra Posture, Half Snake Pose, Adha Bhujang Asan Description In this asana let the lower part of your body from the toes up to the navel touch the ground. Place the palms on the ground and raise the head like a cobra. Because of its shape like cobra, it is called cobra posture. […]


Other Names Circle Pose, Full Wheel Posture, Full circle, Purna Chakra Asan, Puma Chakrasana, Up-ward Bow Posture, Back-bend Pose, Half Wheel Asana, Adha/ Adho Dhanur Asan, Urdhva Dhanurasana Description Chakrasana is the most important and fundamental backbend. In this pose, you have to lie on your back and push up, balancing just on the hands […]


Other Names Half-circle Posture, Adha Chakra Asan, Half round Pose Description Chakra means wheel and Ardha means half therefore this is the Half Wheel Posture. The Ardha-Chakrasana is also known as the urdhva-dhanurasana. Urdhva means raised, elevated or upright and dhanur means bow. Both “wheel posture” and “raised bow posture” describe the appearance of this […]


Other Names Uddiyan-Bandh, Udiyana, Udiyan, Abdominal Lock Description This bandh involves movement of the muscles of the stomach and especially the muscles of the diaphragm. The movement is important and characteristic. Hathayoga assigns a special importance to Uddiyan Bandh. The study of Pranayam is not complete without studying this bandh. While performing this bandh, the […]